Everyone is liable to face problems, but the important thing is how to deal with them and reach a solution.
Some try to tackle a problem by violence and confrontation… whether a materialistic violence or violence of action and words.
A person talks angrily to whoever caused the problem, using force and loud voice. Clashing with people might result in losing their friendship and love…
Another person may solve a problem by using his authority, giving orders and prohibitions. That happens between a father and his children, or a husband to his wife, or a boss to his subordinates. It is easy to use authority, it does not cost anything. Authority however has many reactions which could also have the same violence. It could lead to revolting against authority… or at least, if the problem is solved on the surface, it will remain inside the heart, and in the feelings and relationships.
Some tend to escape from a problem, thinking this is the solution…
They do not face the problem but try to defer it or keep away and escape from it. This is no solution… as the problem would return after some time, troubling them and remaining there unsolved.
Others try to solve a problem by ignoring it…
One may try to convince oneself that there is no problem. One thinks that by closing one’s eyes, one would not see it and it would not trouble one. The problem will remain there, but one will not talk about it, or think of it, or study it…
For each problem there are several solutions… by proper and quiet thinking and by wisdom, as King Solomon used to solve the problems presented to him or facing him.
A problem could be solved through prayer, by laying it before God and sometimes by fasting and masses, as the saints used to do…
Although some problems need a fast decision, yet others could be solved through patience and endurance…
It is not appropriate to solve a problem by creating another problem.
It is not proper either to solve a problem by doing something wrong and through non-spiritual means, like those who tackle their problems with lies or in a cunning and round about way, or by worldly tricks and deceiving people!!
— Pope Shenouda III